After a week of wet and windy weather, the forecast for Sunday was great so I decided on Saturday to do the Wairarapa Country Marathon. The start is only an hour's drive from home so it's almost too close not to do it! I didn't realise it at the time, but this was my 20th marathon. The last time I did this marathon it was as a runner back in 2000 and it was just my second marathon.

A sunny day with a light breeze and a backdrop of snow capped mountains, it was the perfect day to be walking in the country. There was the thundering of hooves from cows running through a paddock after milking, a pair of hares trot out on to the road in front of me, lots of docile sheep, and two World War I triplanes.
I started at 7am with the runners, and was walking alone for most of the morning. At 25km I thought I could see someone up ahead, and 9km later I finally caught the last runner. 1.5km another runner and one of the walkers from the 6am start, then another runner, and eventually passing 6 people in total.
I was reasonably happy with my time of 4:57:01, although I was hoping for a time 5 minutes faster for the first 30km of the race. I went through the half in 2:26:00. My 5k splits were 34:27, 34:55, 34:28, 34:27, 33:55, 35:57, 35:34, 36:54, and then 16:21 for the final 2.195km.
Good effort Andrew. Very consistent splits and a great walking time. You finished very close to Mike Stewart who has 460+ marathons to his credit.
Country marathons have a feel all of their own with the scenery and animals. Well done.
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