Up in time to have breakfast and then a 6am start. It was a lovely fine morning, but the sun hadn't quite made it over the hills yet. Off to Cannon Point. Up to the top in 48:16, I was making good time even with photo stops. Down the steep descent, and on up the river trail.
I was hoping to buy a bottle of Powerade or Coke at the Te Marua Store, but it was closed! Had to settle for a refill of water at Kaitoke Regional Park. Up the hill track, and I was already feeling like I'd done enough climbing for one day. At the entrance to Tunnel Gully I stopped for a quick stretch and then continued on.
Walking along the gravel road it was pleasing to see that the green was returning after the logging several years back. The seedlings were now large enough that their foliage dominated all the offcuts from the logging, rather than the other way 'round.
Tagged the gate at the start of Mt Climie access road in 2:48:14. Time was still reasonable, although I was likely to be a bit slow heading up. Perhaps about 2/3 the way up I met "Malcolm", whom I would often see on the Cannon Point circuit. We pushed each other on to the top, and I reached the first antennae 1:00:43 after leaving the carpark.
A bit of time spent on the top taking photos, eating a tangelo, and changing into a dry polypro. Then it was off down the hill. Malcolm tagged along to see where the track went. It was just as steep as I remember, but the path through the gorse seemed to have been cleared a bit.
Down to the gate on Collets Rd in 1:09:39, and then we ambled along to the school to refill water bottles. Malcolm went down Alamein Ave to head back to Tunnel Gully while I headed for Mangaroa Hill. I hadn't been looking forward to the hill, but it was just a minor rise compared to what I had been on. And then it was just a shortish stretch back home. Total time including stops was 6:23:59 for 36km.

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