Runners leaving the top of Wright's Hill.
Although they quickly passed me, they took a slower
route down and I was ahead of them by the time we
were down at Karori Rd.
Although they quickly passed me, they took a slower
route down and I was ahead of them by the time we
were down at Karori Rd.
Last time I went from Makara to Wrights Hill I picked the wrong track and took a lot longer than necessary. This time I had the shortest route off Wrights Hill and then picked up Allington Rd and the 4WD road to the summit. By my watch the total time was 1h:46m:55s, so 47m:45s from Wrights Hill. As I was leaving the summit I noticed several runners arriving via the "Ridgeline" MTB track - they had previously been ahead of me, so another route choice vindicated.
From Makara Peak it was follow the tracks down to the Makara road and along the Skyline track to Johnson's Hill. At one point there was an option to follow the track or take the road. The road was more direct and allowed me to nearly catch a couple of runners who had been a reasonable way ahead of me. Clocked in at Johnson's Hill in 2h:29m:16s, 42m:21s from Makara Peak.
From Johnson's it was back down to the road and out to Karori Rd. Rather than following Karori Rd all the way out I took some side roads and made my way down Birdwood Street - a good downhill that made for fast progress. From there is was back down Aro Valley and back to the Scottish clubrooms, but this time via the flatter streets rather than the bush tracks I had used on the way out. A total time of 3h:19m:34s.

Actual route taken superimposed on the maps from the City Safari.
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