Year after year the few days we get snow on nearby hills are days that I have to be at work. And usually the snow is no lower than about 500m-600m above sea level (asl). But this year we had reasonably significant snow down to about 150m asl, and as I write this in the afternoon we have a decent snow shower at about 50m asl.
My favourite little trail run from home takes in Cannon Point, which at 345m had plenty of snow on it. Here are some pictures from the run.

Looking south from the Totara Park bridge

Cannon Point with a dusting of snow

The snow starts to appear on the sheltered side

Across the valley

Top of the main climb

Up from Birchville Dam, heading to Cannon Point

View to Cannon Point trig

Looking North from the trig

View of Mt Climie from the trig

Coming back down the zig-zag track

Mt Climie from the Totara Park bridge
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